Low testosterone

Lower testosterone levels are typical in aging men, but what makes some men a lot more plagued by these signs of aging than others?  A 2006 study tested 2,100 men over the age of 45 and located correlations between several medical ailments and low testosterone levels in aging men.

Low testosterone levels were seen:

2.four times  on a regular basis in obese men
2.1 times on a regular basis in men with diabetes
1.8 times more frequently in males with high bp

Ongoing today not found a causal relationship between low testosterone and poor overall wellness, however, direct correlations are already noted between healthy males and higher testosterone levels.

Testosterone is what helps one’s body’s tissues persue more blood sugar reacting to insulin which enable it to explain why men with diabetes experience cheaper testosterone levels. Nearly half of men with diabetes have low testosterone levels but scientists can’t determine if low testosterone causes diabetes or or viceversa.

The learning explains, “fat cells metabolize testosterone to estrogen, lowering testosterone levels.  Also, obesity reduces levels of steroid binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that carries testosterone in the blood. Less SHBG means less testosterone.”  This explains the text between obesity and low testosterone levels in aging men.

The correlations found between low testosterone and medical ailments are tightly woven. For anyone who is obese, testosterone supplements may also be helpful reduce extra weight associated with hormonal changes.

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